Promoting Mathematics Teacher Education for Sustainability through a STEAM approach




Mathematics teacher education, Sustainability, STEAM education, Statistics education, Mathematics teacher professional development


The aim of this study is to analyse the effect of a previously validated training program to promote Mathematics Teacher Education for Sustainability (MTEfS). The training program, designed from a STEAM approach and called Pro-STEAM, involved 23 in-service Chilean teachers. For data collection, a questionnaire was administered before and after the Pro-STEAM program; and the design and implementation of a statistical task relating to sustainability, within the practical phase of the program, was analysed. The results show that: 1) following the Pro-STEAM training program, over 60% of the participants reached an advanced level in Sustainable Development Goals involved; 2) by designing and implementing the statistical task, they developed competences linked to the teacher learning objectives to promote Education for Sustainable Development. It is concluded that MTEfS is an emerging research agenda for creating positive social solutions.


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How to Cite

Alsina , Ángel, & Silva-Hormazábal, M. (2023). Promoting Mathematics Teacher Education for Sustainability through a STEAM approach. Advances of Research in Mathematics Education, (23), 105–125.