Semiotic conflicts related to correlation and regressionin High Schooltextbooks


  • Maria Magdalena Gea Universidad de Granada
  • Maria del Mar López-Martín Universidad de Granada
  • Rafael Roa Universidad de Granada



Regression and correlation, textbooks, semiotic conflicts, High School


The aim of this work is to characterize the semiotic conflicts that arise on the topic ofcorrelation and regression in the Spanish High Schooltextbooks. Acontent analysis of the chaptersdealing with this topicis performed on a sample of 16 high school textbooks, eight of the Science and Technologyspecialtyand eight directed toHumanities and Social Sciences. We baseon the onto-semiotic approachof mathematical knowledge and instruction inmathematics education that discriminates betweeninstitutional and personal meaning of mathematical objects; semioticconflictin this framework isdefined asadisparity between these two meanings. In our analysis we found a wide variety of conflictsconcerning the language used, the definition of concepts and presentation of properties and methods, along with some arguments. These results alert the teacher to avoid that such conflicts are transmitted to thestudent learning. Finally, some criteria are provided to enhance the presentation of correlation and regressionin theHigh Schooltextbooks


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Author Biographies

Maria Magdalena Gea, Universidad de Granada

Profesora del Departamento de Didáctica de la Matemática

Maria del Mar López-Martín, Universidad de Granada

Profesora del Departamento de Didáctica de la Matemática

Rafael Roa, Universidad de Granada

Profesor del Departamento de Didáctica de la Matemática



How to Cite

Gea, M. M., López-Martín, M. del M., & Roa, R. (2015). Semiotic conflicts related to correlation and regressionin High Schooltextbooks. Advances of Research in Mathematics Education, (8), 29–49.


