Contributions of study and research paths at the university: the case of teacher education




Teacher education, Anthropological theory of the didactic, study and research paths, University teaching, Mathematical modelling


Our research focuses on the implementation of university teaching proposals that promote a change in the pedagogical paradigm. We start from the dominant paradigm in these institutions, mainly based on the visiting knowledge as if they were monuments, to move towards to a paradigm focused on the study of problematic questions. Within the framework of the anthropological theory of the didactic, we have worked on the design of the study and research paths (SRPs) as teaching devices in the transition of paradigms, which have been implemented in different modalities. In this paper, we focus on university teacher training as a crucial agent in this transition. We consider the adaptation of SRPs to the case of teacher education (SRPs-TE). We will see in what sense the SRPs-TE help progress in the study of the conditions and constraints that emerge in the dissemination of SRPs.


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How to Cite

Barquero, B., Bosch, M., & Florensa, I. (2022). Contributions of study and research paths at the university: the case of teacher education. Advances of Research in Mathematics Education, (21), 87–106.