The Role Played by Extra-mathematical Connections in the Modelling Process




Extra-mathematical connection, Mathematical modelling, Onto-semiotic approach
Supporting Agencies
Project no. 72200458 funded by ANID/PFCHA (Chile), Grant PID2021-127104NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”


Literature review in Mathematics Education on connections makes evident the necessity of delving into extra-mathematical connections. In this line, we answer the question: What types of mathematical connections are required to develop the modelling process? To this end, we consider three theoretical references: Onto-Semiotic Approach, Extended Theory of Connections, and Mathematical Modelling Cycle from a Cognitive Perspective, following a methodology used in two theoretical articulations previously developed by the authors between these frameworks, based on the use of models for the analysis of mathematical activity proposed by the Onto-Semiotic Approach for connections and the modelling process. The results of this analysis consist of, on one hand, the evidence of the types of intra- and extra-mathematical connections intervening in the different phases of the modelling cycle and, on the other hand, the proposal of a more detailed classification of mathematical connections.


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How to Cite

Ledezma, C., Rodríguez-Nieto, C. A., & Font, V. (2024). The Role Played by Extra-mathematical Connections in the Modelling Process. Advances of Research in Mathematics Education, (25), 81–103.