Pre-service primary school teachers’ statistical knowledge in data representation




Statistical literacy, Pre-service primary school teachers, Central tendency measures, Statistical graphs, Statistical reasoning


This article analyses if pre-service primary school teachers distinguish the categories or values of the statistical variable from the absolute frequencies, whether they select and construct the appropriate graph according to the type of variable and how they justify such choice. Thus, we present a mixed-method case study with qualitative predominance and exploratory nature. The sample is conformed of 108 future primary education teachers, and the questionnaire is an ad-hoc questionnaire with 4 items. The results indicate that pre-service teachers have difficulties in distinguishing the categories of a qualitative variable from its absolute frequencies. The most common error detected in the graph’s choice is the selection of the line graph for qualitative variables and histograms for qualitative or non-grouped discrete quantitative variables. The correction degree in the realization of the graph and its justification are not sufficient. This shows the need to improve the statistical literacy of pre-service teachers.


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How to Cite

Izagirre, A., Anasagasti, J., & Berciano, A. (2023). Pre-service primary school teachers’ statistical knowledge in data representation. Advances of Research in Mathematics Education, (24), 111–130.


