Variables characterizing statistical graphs and related tasks in Costa Rica secondary education textbooks


  • Pedro Arteaga Universidad de Granada
  • Maynor Jiménez-Castro Universidad de Costa Rica
  • Carmen Batanero Universidad de Granada



Statistical graphs, textbook, primary education, Costa Rica, mathematics education


The aim of this research was to analyze the variables characterizing the statistical graphs and related tasks in Costa Rica secondary education textbooks. We first examine 143 graphs presented in three editorials for grades 7 to 9 (from 13 to 15 years old), and study the type of graph, its semiotic complexity, and the context of the data represented. We then study 340 tasks related to these graphs, by analyzing the reading level required, purpose of the graph within the task and type of task. We compare the results with other statistical graph research carried out in primary education textbooks. Compared to the previous educational stage, new graphics are introduced; there is a greater presence of the higher level of semiotic complexity and the school context decreases, giving more weight to the scientific one. Regarding the tasks, the weight of reading decreases, with new tasks appearing, the main purpose is analysis and there is not much difference in the reading level required in primary and secondary education.


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How to Cite

Arteaga, P., Jiménez-Castro, M., & Batanero, C. (2021). Variables characterizing statistical graphs and related tasks in Costa Rica secondary education textbooks. Advances of Research in Mathematics Education, (20), 125–140.




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