Design and implementation of cognitive high-demand tasks based on the look and say sequence




Sequences, look and say, task design, cognitive high-demand, types of reasoning


Even though their school treatment is mainly based on calculations, numerical sequences are a mathematical topic with the potential to develop aspects of mathematical reasoning amongst students. In this work, we design a sequence of tasks of cognitive high-demand based on the ‘look and say’ sequence and implement them with a group of secondary school students particularly interested in mathematics during a session of the Workshop of Mathematical Talent at the University of Zaragoza. The methodology is exploratory and descriptive with mixed analysis of qualitative data. Participants solved the tasks with a high rate of success and several answers were of high conceptual richness. These tasks might be useful to work transversal curricular aspects and to identify those mathematically gifted.


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How to Cite

Manero, V., Muñoz-Escolano, J. M., & Oller-Marcén, A. M. (2021). Design and implementation of cognitive high-demand tasks based on the look and say sequence. Advances of Research in Mathematics Education, (20), 161–183.


