From “Visit of the Works” to the “Questioning of the World” in Argentine Secondary School




Teaching of mathematics, Anthropological Theory of the Didactics, Study and research path (SRP), Secondary school, Algebraic functions


This paper analyzes the results of implementing a Study and Research Path (SRP) in regular secondary school courses in Argentina with 163 students. The Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD) is adopted to define the scope of an emerging paradigm of questioning the world (PCM) from an SRP, as a response to another in crisis, the “visit of the works”. The praxeologies that are studied with the REI are analyzed. The results show the differences of introducing teaching through research and questioning regarding the usual traditional approach, mainly in relation to knowledge.


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How to Cite

Llanos, V. C., Rita Otero, M. ., & Gazzola, M. P. (2024). From “Visit of the Works” to the “Questioning of the World” in Argentine Secondary School. Advances of Research in Mathematics Education, (26), 105–127.


