Extra-mathematical Connections Made by Prospective Elementary School Teachers when Designing Geometric Homework Assignments





Extra-mathematical connections, Teacher training, Geometry, Primary school, Ontosemiotic approach


We describe the extra-mathematical connections that emerge when a group of 250 prospective elementary school teachers are confronted with two professional tasks that deal with different geometric notions. The analysis considers the theory of extra-mathematical connections and the tool of the Ontosemiotic Approach (epistemic configurations) to evidence the emergence of generic metaphorical and interdisciplinary connections; the former referred to the constitution of a metaphor as a tool to access from an extra-mathematical idea to an intra-mathematical object; while the latter refers to the use of elements belonging to a particular discipline and therefore extra-mathematical, to understand an intra-mathematical object. The results and conclusions revolve around the evidence presented on the emergence of such connections. It contributes to the reflection on the theory of extra-mathematical connections, and it shows the potential of the design of school tasks in the training processes of Primary Education teachers.


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Supporting Agencies
Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo - ANID, Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación - España


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How to Cite

Vargas Herrera, J. P., Vanegas, Y., & Giménez, J. (2024). Extra-mathematical Connections Made by Prospective Elementary School Teachers when Designing Geometric Homework Assignments. Advances of Research in Mathematics Education, (25), 57–80. https://doi.org/10.35763/aiem25.6441

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