Impact of the teacher training process on the teacher's affectivity towards mathematics




Mathematics, Teacher training, Affectivity, Teaching methods, Problem solving


This work evaluates the effectiveness of an instructional design focused on solving mathematical problems through the experimentation and use of manipulative materials, focused on redirecting future teachers’ perceptions of mathematics towards more positive beliefs and reactions. The design was pre-experimental with a pretest posttest group, and the sample is made up of 91 students of the Primary and Infant Education Teacher degree, who were studying the Mathematics Teaching course. The instrument used is a previously validated self-report instrument on beliefs, emotions and attitudes about mathematics. The instructional design has had a positive impact, since it has generated significant changes on their beliefs about the characteristics of the teacher, their attitudes and emotional reactions towards mathematics, and on their level of self-confidence and assurance as a future teacher capable of implementing procedures with the goal of solving mathematical problems in the context of the classroom.


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How to Cite

Romero-García, C., Manzanal Martínez, A. I. ., & Palacios Ortega, A. (2023). Impact of the teacher training process on the teacher’s affectivity towards mathematics. Advances of Research in Mathematics Education, (24), 93–110.


