Development of Sustainability Competencies in the Area of Didactics of Mathematics




Critical Mathematics Education, Education for Sustainability, Teacher Training, Community Ethics, EDINSOST Project


This article presents the results of the analysis of the development of sustainability competencies of students enrolled in subjects in the area of ​​Didactics of Mathematics of three different degrees in the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the Universidad de Cádiz. To carry out this analysis, the sustainability questionnaire of the EDINSOST project was used. This questionnaire consists of 18 items related to the development of the four sustainability competencies proposed by the Sectoral Commission of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities. A total of 105 students responded to a questionnaire composed of items expressed like a four-point Likert scale. Three types of composite indicators were defined to analyse the students’ answers in each competency, competency unit, and mastery level. The results reveal how the development of the sustainability in students depends on the degree analysed.


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Supporting Agencies
Grupo de Investigación Desarrollo Profesional del Docente-HUM462 de la Universidad de Cádiz (España)., Proyecto de Investigación EDINSOST: educación e innovación social para la sostenibilidad, formación en las universidades españolas de profesionales como agentes de cambio para afrontar los retos de la sociedad (Referencia: EDU2015-65574-R).


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How to Cite

Moreno-Pino, F. M., Jiménez-Fontana, R., & Romero-Portillo, D. (2023). Development of Sustainability Competencies in the Area of Didactics of Mathematics. Advances of Research in Mathematics Education, (23), 37–60.

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