Study on the cognitive construction of the change of basis matrix in terms of APOS Theory


  • Esteban Mendoza-Sandoval Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Flor Monserrat Rodríguez-Vásquez Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Solange Roa-Fuentes Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Jesús Romero-Valencia Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero



Genetic decomposition, reflexive abstraction, change of basis, linear algebra


This article shows the construction of the change of basis matrix in linear algebra. Based on the APOS theory as a theoretical and methodological framework, the structures and mental mechanisms are described to obtain a genetic decomposition based on the conceptions that students have about such a  concept. A diagnostic test was applied to 28 undergraduate students (18-21 years of age). Semi-structured interviews were also conducted. The results show at least two trajectories in the construction of change of basis matrix concept, which differ in the internalization of mental actions.


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How to Cite

Mendoza-Sandoval, E., Rodríguez-Vásquez, F. M., Roa-Fuentes, S., & Romero-Valencia, J. (2021). Study on the cognitive construction of the change of basis matrix in terms of APOS Theory. Advances of Research in Mathematics Education, (20), 65–87.


