
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The paper has not been published previously, nor is it forthcoming or submitted to another journal.
  • The subject, focus and scope of the manuscript (experimental or theoretical study) is in line with research in Mathematics Education.
  • “Manuscript requirements” and “preparing a manuscript” sections have been reviewed and applied.
  • An anonymous and a non-anonymous version are submitted. The anonymous version complies with the requirements for a blind review, so that it is not possible to identify the submitting authors and their institutions. The non-anonymous version includes all authors in their final order and their citations and references without anonymisation.
  • The anonymous and non-anonymous version must not exceed 48000 characters including blank spaces, references, figures, tables and appendices, and this limit will be maintained when applying the requested modifications.
  • The manuscript contains a title (maximum 15 words), abstract (maximum 150 words) and 5 keywords, two of which must be from the ERIC thesaurus (Education Resources Information Center). The title, abstract and keywords in English (or alternatively in Spanish) will be requested if accepted, as well as an extended abstract in English (or alternatively in Spanish) between 350-500 words.
  • The references are completed and aligned with the journal requirements.

Author Guidelines

Manuscript submission

To submit a manuscript to Research Advances in Mathematics Education (AIEM), you must be registered in the journal platform. Once registered, you must log in with your username and password to submit your manuscript. You can also log in to check the status of your submissions. 

It is recommended to review the information in “about the journal” regarding the approach and scope, Ethical code and antiplagiarism policy, and peer review process.

Two versions should be submitted: an anonymous version and a non-anonymous version. The anonymous version should not include the names of the authors or any other information that would allow the authors to be identified (citations, references, acknowledgements, etc.). In text citations and in the reference list, the names of the authors should be replaced by “XXX”, the year should be kept and the rest of the reference should be completely removed (no data such as co-authors, title, book or journal, etc. should be included). Editorial management will ensure that anonymous versions comply with these requirements and will request a new submission when they do not.  

The non-anonymous version should include the authors’ details (full names, affiliation, e-mail addresses and ORCID if available), acknowledgements if any, and full authors’ references cited in the text. 

The steps to follow when submitting a manuscript on the platform are as follows:

Step 1. Start. General data such as the manuscript language, section (article or editorial) are entered. In addition, the submission requirements must be read and confirmed.  

Step 2. Upload submission. The anonymous and non-anonymous manuscript must be uploaded. When uploading the files, the component must be selected in a drop-down menu. The anonymous paper should be uploaded as "Anonymous article (double blind)" and the non-anonymous article as "Article with authors (first submission)". In this first submission the tables and figures must be in the same document, they should not be sent separately.

Step 3. Enter metadata. The title, abstract, keywords, supporting agencies and references must be entered. All authors should be added with their first and last name, email, institution and ORCID ID (if available); use the “add contributor” button to do it. Authors must appear in the same order as in the non-anonymous version of the manuscript. The number of authors and their order cannot be changed unless explanations are provided to the Editorial Team.

Step 4. Confirmation.

Manuscript requirements 

Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors. 

Both experimental and theoretical papers which meet the criteria of scientific quality established by AIEM are considered. The texts submitted must present research in any domain of mathematics education with novel results contributing to knowledge production within the international scientific community of mathematics education. 

  • Experimental studies must provide full details of the different aspects of the research – aims, research questions or assumptions, literature review, and description of the theoretical-analytical frames and specific methods. Papers must make their argument explicit and the way and extent to which the results extend understanding in mathematics education research.

  • Theoretical studies must clearly describe the elements in the research, specifically the argument to be developed and its relevance with regard to the state-of-the-art. Papers must be explicit about the contribution made to mathematics education research by means of, for example, the construction, comparison or integration of theoretical frameworks or research methods.

Preparing the manuscript

  • Manuscripts should be submitted in doc, docx, rtf u odt format. No other type of document will be accepted.
  • The anonymous and non-anonymous version must not exceed 48000 characters including blank spaces, references, figures, tables and appendices, and this limit will be maintained when applying the requested modifications.    
  • 12 points font and 1.5 line spacing in paragraphs must be used. 

  • The first page should include a title (maximum 15 words), an abstract (maximum 150 words) and 5 keywords, two of which must be from the ERIC thesaurus.
  • The title, abstract and keywords in English (or alternatively in Spanish) will be requested if accepted, as well as an extended abstract in English (or alternatively in Spanish) between 350-500 words. 

  • In the non-anonymous version, the first page must include the authors’ details (full name, institution, emails and ORCID if available). 

  • Sections and subsections should be numbered sequentially, using no more than three levels of sections (e.g. 2. XXXX; 2.3. XXXXX; 3.2.1. XXXX).

  • APA style only distinguishes between tables and figures: elements that are not tables are figures, without distinguishing between graphs, illustrations, maps, photographs, etc. Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively (Table 1, Figure 1, etc., with independent numbering between tables and figures) and include a brief legend or description above them. All tables and figures must be cited in the body of the text by their number (e.g. see figure 3), never by their position (do not use, for example: see figure below, the following table, etc.). In case the manuscript is accepted, they will be requested in editable format and print quality.

  • Equations must always be in editable text. If they require special characters, the "insert equation" function should be used. They should not be presented as static images.

  • Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

  • Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section before the references (in the non-anonymous version).

  • Authors are encouraged to follow official APA version 7 guidelines

  • Supplementary material, incompatible with graphic or written representation but providing significant support, can be included . We accept links to Youtube/Vimeo (or similar services) material for audio and video, cited in the text in APA 7 style format and added to references. Other file types are accepted, such as dynamic geometry files or spreadsheets. References to any digital material included should be made in the text at the appropriate point. Digital material cannot be included in printed versions, so authors must ensure that the manuscript is comprehensible without it. 

Citation following APA 7 guidelines

  • In text-citation, the authors and the year must be indicated (García & Pujol, 2017). If there are three or more authors, “et al.” should be used from the first appearance (Zapata et al., 2019) (except whether it is to disambiguate different references with the same first author and year).

  • If you are directly quoting, you should indicate the page or paragraph number, if it is a web reference (García, 2017, p. 21) (García & Pujol, 2019, para. 5). If you are directly quoting 40 words or more, use a separate paragraph with a left margin increased by 1.5 cm.

  • Citations from web pages without a date of publication should be marked with (s. f.) to replace the year.

Reference list following APA 7 guidelines

  • In APA 7 guidelines, the city of publication is not indicated. Furthermore, it is not used "retrieved from" to indicate the web page. It is added at the end of the reference without a full stop. The date of access of the website is only added in the case of changing websites such as wikis. In general, in all other cases, it should not be added. It must be checked to ensure that it works. The URL must lead exactly to the cited document, not to the general page of the website.

  • Book chapters are only indicated in the case of edited or coordinated books. The editors or coordinators should always be indicated, as well as the pages.

  • All authors (until a maximum of 20) must be indicated. If there are more, the first 19 should be indicated, followed by ellipses, and the last one.

  • If there are several references that coincide with authors and year, they should be disambiguated with a letter after the year, e.g. 2009a, 2009b…


Brousseau, G. (1997). Theory of didactical situations in mathematics: Didactique des mathématiques 1970-1990. Kluwer.

Edited book
Dreyfus, T., Artigue, M., Potari, D., Prediger, S., & Ruthven, K. (Eds.) (2018). Developing research in mathematics education. Twenty years of communication, cooperation and collaboration in Europe. Routledge.

Book chapter
Goffman, E. (1997). The neglected situation. In C. Lemert & J. M. Smithson (Eds.), The Goffman reader (pp. 229-233). Blackwell.

Journal article
Doyle, W. (1988). Work in mathematics classes: The context of students’ thinking during instruction. Educational Psychologist, 23(2), 167-180.

Accepted journal article in press
Estivill, M. (in press). Language processes and demands in the diverse mathematics classroom. For the Learning of Mathematics.

Conference proceedings
Saxe, G. B. (1999). Professional development, classroom practices, and students’ mathematics learning: A cultural perspective. In O. Zaslavsky (Ed.), Proceedings of the 23th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (vol. 3, pp. 121-128). PME.

Text in a conference without proceedings
Domingo, J., & Benítez, R. (2001, mes). Planteo, desarrollo y resultados en una asignatura troncal de automatización industrial. Comunicación en I Jornadas sobre Aprendizaje Cooperativo. City.  

Dissertation or Thesis
Caballero, A. (2011). Expectativas generalizadas de control en la resolución de problemas matemáticos en estudiantes para maestro. Tesis Doctoral sin publicar. Universidad de Extremadura.

Unpublished manuscript
Limia, A. J., & Estrada, M. R. (2002). Modelo didáctico para la enseñanza de la geometría en el segundo ciclo de la enseñanza primaria del plan Turquino. Unpublished manuscript..

Online document
Aaron, W. (2011). The position of the student in geometry instruction: A study from three perspectives. University of Michigan.

SEIEM (2012). Web de la Sociedad Española de Investigación en Educación Matemática.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses introduced in the journal will be only used according to the aims expressed herein and will not be made available to any other purpose or person.