Assessing sustainability competencies present in class proposals developed by prospective mathematics teachers




Sustainability, Mathematics, Prospective Teachers, Rubric, Competencies


The recent crises make it more important than ever to focus on training teachers to develop competencies in sustainability. This paper analyses the impact of a mathematics training program that promotes the design of tasks on mathematics and sustainability, with a focus on Education for Sustainable Development. Using an evaluation rubric, five sustainability competencies were analised in the classroom proposals. Overall, an improvement in the level of achievement of all sustainability competencies was observed after the training. Additionally, the rubric serves as a tool not only to measure the level of achievement in each sustainability competence, but also to identify the aspects that need to be integrated in the proposal to achieve its advanced level, in connection with mathematical knowledge.


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How to Cite

García Alonso, I. ., Sosa-Martín, D., & Trujillo-González, R. (2023). Assessing sustainability competencies present in class proposals developed by prospective mathematics teachers. Advances of Research in Mathematics Education, (23), 61–83.